Mentoring programs in the faculties
Mentoring programs at the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences
The LearningCenter supports the faculties and institutes in (further) developing mentoring programs.
Some faculties already offer various mentoring or buddy programs to support their students. The target group is mostly students in the introductory phase of their studies or international students.
On this website you will find an overview of the mentoring programs at the faculties (not exhaustive). In some cases, you can participate in the programs as a mentor or mentee. You can find out how this works on the respective website.
Mentors are experienced students from higher semesters who accompany other students during their studies, especially at the beginning of their studies and in transition phases. While tutors usually provide support in understanding and deepening subject content, mentors help with orientation during the introductory phase of studies, for example, and accompany first-semester students as they arrive at the university. For certain groups of students, such as international students or students who are the first in their family to study, mentors also help them to find their way around the university system. Mentors provide access to informal knowledge and promote social integration by strengthening a sense of belonging. They provide important tips and suggestions for strengthening learning skills and working in learning groups.
Mentoring offers at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences are usually coordinated within the faculties and subjects in separate programs. They have different names such as "Buddy Programs", "Mentoring for First Semester Students" and vary between one-to-one and group mentoring.
The LearningCenter also offers mentoring for international students and students with a history of migration, in which students are assigned a mentor from the world of work. You can find more information about this on the Mentoring.INTERKULT website.
Are you a mentor in your faculty/subject and would like to prepare yourself optimally for your role? Then please get in touch with us. We can advise you on the planning and implementation of your mentoring meetings and provide tips and suggestions on methodological and didactic design. Take a look at our offers and get in touch with us.