Smart Success and Smart Learning Check

Smart Success
The Smart Success app supports you as a personal digital assistant during your studies. You have many functions to choose from that make your study planning and everyday life easier. The app runs on all Android and iOS devices and desktop PC.
Smart Success gives you the most important information about your studies at a glance. You can view your previous exam results and the associated grade point average and thus keep an eye on your performance status. You also get an overview of the compulsory and compulsory elective modules that you still have to complete. During the semester, you will find your timetable in the app, including the time, lecturer and room number of the respective course. The canteen menu for the next few days is also displayed. When a semester is over, you will receive re-registration on the extent to which you have successfully implemented your semester planning. If you wish, the app can also inform you of the latest news, for example when the exam registration period begins or the results of an exam are entered, via push notifications.
The app supports you in adapting your studies to your individual study and living conditions (e.g. family care responsibilities or employment). Based on the regular course of your degree program, you can create personal semester plans by
Move modules to other semesters,
semester beyond the standard period of study,
Select elective and additional modules and
supplement other planned activities, e.g. internships.
This allows you to see at a glance which tasks and activities are due in a semester. Guiding questions and notes as well as detailed module descriptions are displayed to help you plan your course of study.
In Smart Success you will find suitable contact persons for questions that may arise during your studies. You can get in touch with the contact person quickly and easily and request an appointment for a consultation. If you wish, you can also send the advisor your previous exam results and the study plan you have drawn up so that they can better prepare for your interview. You will also find links to further support services: StudiumPlus, the interdisciplinary seminars offered by Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, Friends of the University and the overview of counseling services on the university's website.
To do this, log in to with your OSCA data. To use Smart Success on your smartphone and tablet like a conventional app, save the URL on your home screen. Instructions on how to do this can be found in the ServiceDesk ServiceDesk knowledge database. You can also find further information there, in our flyer or in our video.
If you have any technical questions or wish to report an error, please contact the ServiceDesk. If you have any content-related or conceptual concerns, please get in touch with the contact persons listed below.
Lutz, L., Wanninger, K. & Wilbers, D. (2021). Promoting competencies for self-regulated learning through the Smart Success app. In F. Mayer, H. Czech & J. Knips (Eds.), Learning from each other: Sustainably promoting academic success - Contributions of the Learningcenter of Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences (pp. 46-57). Link to the article
Lutz, L., & Mayer, F. (2019). Smart Success-a digital assistant as a contribution to a culture of flexible student life. Journal for Higher Education Development, 14(3), 178-190. link to article
Contact us
Smart Learning Check
The Smart Learning Check helps you to successfully overcome study-related challenges (e.g. learning planning, structuring exam content, motivation and perseverance) with the help of suitable learning strategies and support services. The Smart Learning Check consists of three components that can be run through step by step one after the other or explored independently of each other. They fulfill the following functions:
This is where you take stock, the check. What challenges you in your studies? What would you like to work on? You will receive suggestions for various learning strategies and select one that seems helpful for your personal challenge and that you would like to develop further.
There is an exercise for every learning strategy. You will learn a specific method or technique that you can implement directly in parallel. Example: In the focusing attention exercise, you will learn the so-called Pomodoro technique, which you can use to structure your work and recovery phases and sharpen your focus on your task. You can of course make adjustments - the method must suit you, your needs and your situation!
If you would like further support in overcoming your challenges in addition to the Smart Learning Check, you will find information on further advice and support options at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences and outside in the third section.
The Smart Learning Check is accessible via ILIAS (path: Open courses > Interdisciplinary courses). Prior registration is not necessary to access it. We recommend working on a computer or tablet. The most reliable browser is Chrome.