Speech therapy: Clinical Reasoning 1, Internship and Seminar
- Faculty
Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
- Version
Version 1 of 15.01.2025.
- Module identifier
- Module level
- Language of instruction
- ECTS credit points and grading
- Module frequency
only winterterm
- Duration
1 semester
- Brief description
This foundation module focuses on the thorough examination of the concept of Clinical Reasoning as a well-founded method for analysis, reflection and planning of professional speech and language therapy. Another goal is the achievement of an intensive interlock of theory and practice. In the context of the internship, the students will gain practical experiences with patients while studying, which enables them to directly link study contents with patients from their own caseload. At the same time students are motivated to contribute questions and other topics arising from the internship to the seminar, where they are discussed in class. Therefore, seminar contents are transferred into everyday practice and vice versa. Aditionally students are encouraged to establish references to other modules and seminars of this semester and to implement their newly gained knowledge purposefully in their professional practice (internship) (e.g. evidence-based practice, literature search).
- Teaching and learning outcomes
- Functional and action orientation in speech and language therapy
- Clinical Reasoning in the therapeutic process
- Components of Clinical Reasoning (cognition - knowledge - metacognition)
- Strategies of Clinical Reasoning (pattern recognition vs. hypothetical-deductive approach)
- Forms of Clinical Reasoning and clinical decision-making of novices and experts in comparison
- Forms of Clinical Reasoning and their successful use in diagnostics, therapy planning, counselling and for the implementation of individual interventions
- Practical implementation of Clinical Reasoning based on (own) case studies taking into account the diversity of speech and language disorders, varying causes, different age groups as well as linguistic, cultural and gender diversity in terms of testing new applications and approaches of analysis, reflection and planning of speech and language therapy.
- Overall workload
The total workload for the module is 150 hours (see also "ECTS credit points and grading").
- Teaching and learning methods
Lecturer based learning Hours of workload Type of teaching Media implementation Concretization 30 Seminar Presence - Lecturer independent learning Hours of workload Type of teaching Media implementation Concretization 20 Preparation/follow-up for course work - 40 Study of literature - 60 Other -
- Graded examination
- Oral presentation, with written elaboration or
- Written examination
- Ungraded exam
- Regular participation
- Remark on the assessment methods
The graded examination form is collected in the course. The ungraded examination performance (regular participation) refers to the internship KU1 (certification by the internship office).
- Exam duration and scope
Presentation: approx. 30 minutes (20 minutes presentation, 10 minutes discussion); accompanying paper (handout) of max. 20 pages.
- Recommended prior knowledge
For this module, logopaedic knowledge in relation to reflection and analysis of case studies (vocational school level) is required.
- Knowledge Broadening
Students who have successfully completed this module ...
- successfully differentiate and describe Clinical Reasoning processes with regard to decision-making conditions, strategies and forms.
- provide conclusive examples of different decision-making processes.
- Knowledge deepening
Students who have successfully completed this module ...
- integrate Clinical Reasoning processes into their evidence-based and quality-related professional actions
- discuss and differentiate various processes of Clinical Reasoning
- Knowledge Understanding
Students who have successfully completed this module ...
- critically evaluate therapeutic approaches based on their knowledge of Clinical Reasoning.
- are sensitised with regard to Clinical Reasoning in dealing with cultural, gender and social diversity.
- Application and Transfer
Students who have successfully completed this module ...
- recognise the different strategies and forms of Clinical Reasoning in their own professional practice and apply them in a purposeful goal-oriented way.
- analyse and evaluate their own and other people's case studies with regard to Clinical Reasoning processes.
- Academic Innovation
Students who have successfully completed this module ...
- form and formulate hypotheses that support their own therapy planning or implementation, reflect and adapt their professional actions accordingly in a goal-oriented manner.
- check, verify and reject hypotheses that have been formulated.
- Communication and Cooperation
Students who have successfully completed this module ...
- critically discuss the different forms, strategies and components of Clinical Reasoning in discourse with subject representatives in the field of speech-language therapy.
- communicate within and outside their own profession how processes of Clinical Reasoning can be initiated, trained, reviewed and evaluated.
- Academic Self-Conception / Professionalism
Students who have successfully completed this module ...
- understand Clinical Reasoning as a central aspect of logopaedic-therapeutic professional competence, which includes thinking and decision-making processes on multiple levels and accompanies the entire therapeutic process including the context of lifelong learning.
- Literature
- Beushausen, U. (Hrsg.) (2020): Therapeutische Entscheidungsfindung in der Sprachtherapie. Grundlagen und 15 Fallbeispiele. München: Ernst Reinhardt.
- Beushausen, U. & Gr?tzbach, H. (2018): Evidenzbasierte Sprachtherapie (2. aktualisierte und erg?nzte Auflage). Idstein: Schulz-Kirchner.
- Branski, R.C. & Molfenter, S.M. (Eds.) (2020): Speech-Language Pathology Casebook. New York: Thieme.
- Feiler, M. (Hrsg.) (2019): Professionelles und Klinisches Reasoning in der Ergotherapie. Ein Leitfaden für reflektiertes Denken und Handeln. Stuttgart: Thieme.
- Higgs, J., Jensen, G.M., Loftus, S. & Christensen, N. (eds.) (2019): Clinical reasoning in the Health Professions (4rd ed.). Edinburgh, London, New York, Oxford, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Sydney: Elsevier.
- Rathey-P?tzke, B. (2011): Entscheidungen im Therapieprozess – wie machen wir das eigentlich? Ein Blick auf Clinical Reasoning. Forum Logop?die Heft 5(25): 20-26.
- Schiller, S. (2018): Ethisches Reasoning und diversit?tssensibles Handeln in der Sprachtherapie. Sprache – Stimme – Geh?r, 42: 127-132.
- Wellnitz, A.; Walther, W.; Beushausen, U. (2011): Ein klinischer Fall – Zwei Therapeutinnen: Unterscheiden sich Reasoning-Strategien bei Experten und Berufsanf?ngern in der Sprachtherapie? Logos Interdisziplin?r, 19(3), 198-206.
- Wolfs, A. (2022): Systemisch-konstruktivistisches Clinical Reasoning. Im Pr?senz- und Telesetting für Mediziner und Therapeuten. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
- Wolfs, A. (2018): Didaktisches Reasoning in der Sprachtherapie. Sprache – Stimme – Geh?r, 42: 123-126.
- Linkage to other modules
The module strengthens professional competencies and prepares for the advanced module "Speech Therapy: Clinical Reasoning 2".
- Applicability in study programs
- Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy
- Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy, B.Sc.
- Person responsible for the module
- Schneider, Barbara
- Teachers
- Schneider, Barbara
- Unknown person