Occupational Therapy: Practice Models of Occupational Therapy


Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences


Version 1 of 16.01.2025.

Module identifier


Module level


Language of instruction


ECTS credit points and grading


Module frequency

winter- and summerterm


1 semester



Overall workload

The total workload for the module is 150 hours (see also "ECTS credit points and grading").

Teaching and learning methods
Lecturer based learning
Hours of workloadType of teachingMedia implementationConcretization
Lecturer independent learning
Hours of workloadType of teachingMedia implementationConcretization
30Work in small groups-
20Study of literature-
40Exam preparation-
Graded examination
  • Homework / Assignment or
  • Written examination or
  • Oral presentation, with written elaboration

American Occupational Therapy Association, AOTA (2020). Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and Process. Fourth Edition. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, August 2020, Vol. 74, Suppl. 2. S. 1-87.

Becker, B. (2010). Individuelle und relevante Ziele formulieren. ergopraxis 4/2010

Berding, J. & Brinkmann, S. (2022). ?Wer ist eigentlich wann, warum und wie viel Klient:in der Ergotherapie?“. In: He?, A.; Kohn, B. & Lüdeking, C. (2022). Ergotherapie in der Neurologie. Idstein: Schulz-Kirchner Verlag

Berding, J., Weise, U., Flotho, W., Marotzki, U. (2010). Klientenzentrierte Praxis verbessern – mit Hilfe des ?Client-centered Strategies Framework“ (CSF); Teil 1. Ergotherapie & Rehabilitation / Ausgabe: 7/2010 Schulz-Kirchner-Verlag

Berding, J., Weise, U., Flotho, W., Marotzki, U. (2010). Klientenzentrierte Praxis verbessern – mit Hilfe des ?Client-centered Strategies Framework“ (CSF); Teil 2. Ergotherapie & Rehabilitation / Ausgabe: 8/2010 Schulz-Kirchner-Verlag

Christiansen, C., & Townsend, E. (2014). Introduction to Occupation: The Art of Science and Living (2nd ed.). Harlow/Essex: Pearson Education Limited

Christiansen, C.; Baum, C.; Bass, J. (2015). Occupational Therapy – Performance, Participation, and Well-Being. Throrofare: Sclack 4. th Edition

Fisher, A., G.; Marterella, A. (2019). Powerful Practice. A Model for Authentic Occupational Therapy. CIOTS.

Fisher, A. (2014). OTIPM – Occupational Therapy Intervention Process Model. Idstein: Schulz-Kirchner

Golledge J. (1998a). Distinguishing between Occupation, purposeful Activity and Activity, Part 1: Review and Explanation. British Journal of occupational Therapy, 61, 100-105

Golledge J. (1998b). Distinguishing between Occupation, purposeful Activity and Activity, Part 2: Why is the Distiction Important? British Journal of occupational Therapy, 61, 157-160

Hagedorn, R.: Ergotherapie – Theorien und Modelle. Die Praxis begründen. Thieme, Stuttgart (2000)

Jerosch-Herold, C., , U. Marotzki, B. Hack, P. Weber (2009): Konzeptionelle Modelle für die ergotherapeutische Praxis. Springer, Berlin

Kaldewei, N. (2018). MOHO - Praktisch angewandt. ergopraxis 7-8, 18-24

Kohlhuber, M., Aichhorn Ch., & Dehnhardt B. (2020). Ergotherapie - bet?tigungsbasiert in Ausbildung und Praxis. Stuttgart: Thieme

Law, M., Polatajko, H., Carswell, A., McColl, M. A., Pollock, N. u. Baptiste, S. (2009): Das kanadische Modell der ?occupational performance“ und das ?Canadian Occupational Performance Measure“.

le Granse, M., van Hartingsfeld, M., Kinebanian, A. (2019). Grundlagen der Ergotherapie. Stuttgart: Thieme

M?ller, M. (2017). Bet?tigung als Schlüsselbegriff. Teil 1 + 2 . ergoscience 12(2): 74-81

Nelson D. (1996). Therapeutic Occupation: A Definition. AJOT, 50/10, 775-782

Pierce D. (2001) Untangling Occupation and Activity. AJOT, 55, 138-146

Radomski, Mary Vining; Trombly Latham, Catherine A.: Occupational therapy for physical dysfunction. Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2014

AOTA: Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and process. AJOT 56, 609 - 639, 2002 Deutscher Verband der Ergotherapeuten: Berufsprofil Ergotherapie. Schulz-Kirchner, Idstein 2003

Salata, S. (2017). COPM…und dann…Bezugsrahmen ausw?hlen in der Therapie. Ergopraxis 2/17

Scheepers C. et al. (2020): Ergotherapie – Vom Behandeln zum Handeln. Stuttgart: Thieme, 6. Auflage

Schüpbach H. (1997). Grundlagen der psychologischen Handlungstheorie für die Ergotherapie. o. J. unver?ffentlichtes Manuskript

Straub J.; Werbik H. (1999). Handlungstheorie. Begriff und Erkl?rung des Handelns im interdisziplin?ren Diskurs. Frankfurt: Campus

Taylor, R. (2017). Kielhofner’s Model of Human Occupation.5. Aufl. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Townsend, Polatajko (2007). Enabling Occupation II: Advancing an Occupational Therapy Vision for Health, Well-Being, and Justice Through Occupation. Ottawa, Onc. : Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists

Wilcock A. (1993). A Theory of the Human Need for Occupation. OccSc. Australia. Vol 1. No 1, 17-24

Applicability in study programs

  • Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy
    • Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy, B.Sc.

    Person responsible for the module
    • Berding, Jutta
    • Berding, Jutta