Monitoring, Evaluation and Social Impact


Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences


Version 1 of 03.04.2024.

Module identifier


Module level


Language of instruction


ECTS credit points and grading


Module frequency

only winterterm


1 semester



Brief description

Evaluation and impact measurement are becoming increasingly important in the nonprofit sector. The activities of NPOs are measured by their social, societal, and financial impact. The aim of the seminar is to enable students to understand and apply impact measurement tools, to understand the importance of theoretical models, and to apply them independently.

Teaching and learning outcomes

  1. Evaluation 
    1.1 Concept and goals of evaluation and impact measurement 
    1.2 Dimensions of evaluation research
    1.3 Internal versus external evaluation 
    1.4 Formative, summative and pre-assessment
  2. Impact measurement and systems change 
    2.1. Impact value chain 
    2.2. The Logical Framework Approach 
    2.3. Social return on investment 
    2.4. Practical applications
  3. Impact monitoring and controlling 
    3.1 Objectives and specifics of impact monitoring in nonprofit-organisations
    3.2 Techniques of impact monitoring and controlling
    3.3 Examples of use

Overall workload

The total workload for the module is 150 hours (see also "ECTS credit points and grading").

Teaching and learning methods
Lecturer based learning
Hours of workloadType of teachingMedia implementationConcretization
Lecturer independent learning
Hours of workloadType of teachingMedia implementationConcretization
40Exam preparation-
50Preparation/follow-up for course work-
30Study of literature-
Graded examination
  • Homework / Assignment or
  • Written examination or
  • Portfolio exam
Remark on the assessment methods

The portfolio exam is worth 100 points and consists of a one-hour written exam (K1) and a written project report (PSC). The one-hour written exam and the written project report are both weighted with 50 points.

Exam duration and scope

Written assignment – 10 to 30 pages

Written exam (see applicable study regulations)

Written project report as part of the portfolio exam – 10 to 20 pages

The requirements are specified in the relevant class.

Recommended prior knowledge


Knowledge Broadening

Students who have successfully completed this module are familiar with the different definitions of evaluation, monitoring, impact measurement, impact orientation, and systems change. They are familiar with the different models and theories related to these areas, and are able to describe and apply the relevant tools.

Knowledge deepening

Students who have successfully completed this module have a knowledge of the goals and specifics of evaluation and impact measurement in nonprofit organisations. They are also able to assess and describe the opportunities and risks of impact measurement in the NPO sector.

Knowledge Understanding

Students apply the knowledge they have gained to a practical context, using case studies to explore how to apply the models and theories learned.

Application and Transfer

Students are proficient in a wide range of tools for evaluating and measuring impact in a variety of NPO settings.

Academic Innovation

Students have developed an understanding of the political level of the issue of evaluation and the associated decision-making about public benefits. They are able to implement tools, and are familiar with the adaptation of knowledge and tools from different parts of the NPO sector.

Communication and Cooperation

Students have learned discursive approaches to discuss and analyse the advantages and disadvantages of quantitative and qualitative impact measurement.

Academic Self-Conception / Professionalism

Students develop a professional self-understanding of the extent to which impact plays a role in the NPO sector. They learn to assess how important this area is for the sector as a whole, and how to present this topic when dealing with potential donors.


Birnkraut, Gesa: Evaluation in der Kultur, VS Verlag, 2019

Stockmann, Reinhard/ Meyer, Wolfgang: Evaluation - Eine Einführung, 2014, 2. aktualisierte Auflage

Stockann, Reinhard / Meyer, Wolfgang: The institutionalisation of evaluation in the Americas, 2022, Springer

Portales, Luis (2019) - Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship, Fundamentals, Concepts and Tools, Springer Schweiz

Benjamin, Kehn M.; Campbell, David A. (2020) - Evaluation and performance measurement, published in: Anheier, Helmut / Toepler, Stefan (2020: The Routledge Companion to Nonprofit Management, Routledge, New York, p. 197-212

Linkage to other modules

Reference is made to the program schedule in the current study regulations.

Applicability in study programs

  • Management in Nonprofit-Organisations
    • Management in Nonprofit-Organisations M.A. (01.09.2024)

    Person responsible for the module
    • Birnkraut, Gesa
    • Birnkraut, Gesa