Biotechnological Production of Proteins


Faculty of Agricultural Science and Landscape Architecture


Version 1 of 27.01.2023.

Module identifier


Module level


Language of instruction


ECTS credit points and grading


Module frequency

only summerterm

More information on frequency

The course is considered as a 2-semester course.

The lecture part of the course is only offered in the summer semester and has to be completed before visiting the practical part. The practical part will be offered in the two weeks before lecture phase is starting.

max participants: 12


2 semesters



Special features of the module

The course is planned for two semesters.

The module consists of a lecture part (2 SWS) with a written exam (1 hour) in the summer semester.

The practical part is carried out in a two-week, all-day laboratory course before the beginning of the lectures of the winter semester and is evaluated by submitting a report (Experimental Work).

Brief description

In this module, the basics, possibilities and limits of biotechnological protein production are to be conveyed. The necessary bioinformatic, genetic engineering and analytical methods as well as existing challenges for successful protein expression will be discussed. Current industrially important systems and concepts of protein production such as human, animal and plant cell cultures, molecular pharming, (a)cellular agriculture, single cell proteins, etc. are also discussed.
The knowledge gained in the lecture is then applied in a two-week block internship. For this purpose, the entire process of protein production is carried out, from upstream processing (production of genetically modified microorganisms, preparation of precultures) through fermentative protein production to downstream processing (DSP: harvest, protein analysis using SDS-PAGE, protein quantification and calculation of the yield).

Teaching and learning outcomes

  • Lecture (2 hours per week, summer semester):
    1. Introduction, definitions and terminology, economic importance of proteins
    2. Basics in Bioinformatics
    3. Basics of protein expression
    4. Cell Cultures
    5. Molecular Pharming
    6. Alternative Proteins
    7. Cellular Agriculture
    8. Acellular Agriculture
    9. Single Cell Proteins
    10. Protein Analytics
  • Practical Laboratory Course (2 weeks, winter semester)
  1. Heterologous protein expression in E. coli
    ?    USP: Transformation, colony PCR, preculture(s)
    ?    Production culture(s) in shake flasks and in a fermenter
    ?    DSP: harvest, cell disruption, protein determination, SDS-PAGE, yield via enzyme activity
  2. Homologous protein expression in Aspergillus niger
    ?    Production culture in a fermenter
    ?    DSP: harvest, protein determination, SDS-PAGE, yield via densitometry
  3. Evaluation and written report

Overall workload

The total workload for the module is 150 hours (see also "ECTS credit points and grading").

Teaching and learning methods
Lecturer based learning
Hours of workloadType of teachingMedia implementationConcretization
30LecturePresence or online-
60Laboratory activityPresence-
Lecturer independent learning
Hours of workloadType of teachingMedia implementationConcretization
30Preparation/follow-up for course work-
30Exam preparation-
Graded examination
  • Written examination and Field work / Experimental work or
  • oral exam and Field work / Experimental work
Remark on the assessment methods

The standard form of the exam is a 1-hour written exam and the experimental work with a written report. The forms of examination are evaluated as follows: K1+EA (0.3+0.7).

The oral examination as an alternative to the written exam may have to be selected by the examiner and in this case announced at the beginning of the course.

Exam duration and scope

written exam 1-hour

written report to experimental work: 10 - 15 pages

Recommended prior knowledge

The module requires knowledge from the following modules:

  • Basics in Biochemistry
  • Biotechnology and Enzyme Technology
  • Biochemical Engineering and Downstreamprocessing

The contents and the successfully completed internship of the module "Analytical Methods in Molecular Biology" are also helpful.

Knowledge Broadening

Based on the basic knowledge already acquired in protein biochemistry, biology and bioprocess engineering, the students get to know specific fields of application, methods and concepts of protein production.

Knowledge deepening

The students can distinguish and understand the main industrial production forms of proteins and their underlying, methodical and scientific challenges.

Knowledge Understanding

The students are able to critically reflect on the properties and the intended application of a protein with the various production methods and organisms.

Application and Transfer

The students can apply, evaluate and scientifically describe and discuss biotechnological methods of protein production in the laboratory.

Academic Innovation

The students check research hypotheses in the laboratory work using suitable biotechnological methods and independently analyze and interpret the results they have achieved in the context of the knowledge they have acquired.

Communication and Cooperation

The students can present their work results orally and in writing in a clearly structured and formally scientifically correct form.

Academic Self-Conception / Professionalism

The students can further develop practical experience in the fermentation of proteins and thus develop or consolidate important skills for bioprocess engineers.


Eine aktuelle Literaturliste wird zu Beginn der Lehrveranstaltung bekannt gegeben.

Linkage to other modules

The module builds on modules such as biochemical basics, biotechnology and enzyme technology and bioprocess engineering. Knowledge of molecular biology and microbiology that has already been acquired can be put to good use.

Thematically, the contents of the module establish a link between agricultural sciences and the food industry.

Applicability in study programs

  • Bioengineering in Agriculture and Food Industry
    • Bioengineering in Agriculture and Food Industry B.Eng. (01.09.2018)

  • Bioengineering in the Food Industry
    • Bioengineering in the Food Industry B.Sc. (01.09.2025)

    Person responsible for the module
    • Dirks-Hofmeister, Mareike
    Further lecturer(s)

    Dr. Christine Leufken