Applied Plant Breeding and Seed Production
- Faculty
Faculty of Agricultural Science and Landscape Architecture
- Version
Version 2 of 27.01.2025.
- Module identifier
- Module level
- Language of instruction
German, English
- ECTS credit points and grading
- Module frequency
only summerterm
- Duration
1 semester
- Brief description
Variety breeding in horticultural or agricultural crops requires extensive knowledge in the field of plant breeding and seed production. The module provides specific knowledge of the breeding techniques and breeding methods used in horticulture or agriculture for the various plant groups; exemplary methods are explained for selected representatives of these plant groups. In the exercises of the module modern techniques of different areas of practical breeding work are presented. In the field of seed production, ISTA seed testing regulations are presented and carried out in practice by the students in the exercises.
- Teaching and learning outcomes
Unit 1: Applied Plant Breeding (2 SWS): Genetic variability of wild and cultivated plants; Breeding methods of plant breeding (selection, combination, hybrid breeding); Methodological problems and alternatives in the breeding of clone plants, line, population, synthetic and hybrid varieties; classical techniques and biotechnological processes for generating novel genetic variation; Genome Editing, Genetic and Genomic Foundations of Breeding Traits Genome Mapping with Molecular Markers - Introduction; Development of breeding goals and their realization in horticultural and agricultural species; special breeding methods for vegetatively propagated species; methodical comparison between the breeding categories; Resistance breeding and quality breeding.
Unit 2: Exercises / laboratory course on genome-based selection in plant breeding (2 SWS)
- Overall workload
The total workload for the module is 135 hours (see also "ECTS credit points and grading").
- Teaching and learning methods
Lecturer based learning Hours of workload Type of teaching Media implementation Concretization 30 Lecture Online - 25 Laboratory activity Presence or online - 5 Examination Presence or online - Lecturer independent learning Hours of workload Type of teaching Media implementation Concretization 30 Preparation/follow-up for course work - 20 Study of literature - 15 Exam preparation - 10 Presentation preparation -
- Further explanations
It is a course with synchronous and asynchronous lecture elements. Part of the examination is a presentation.
- Graded examination
- Written examination or
- oral exam or
- Portfolio exam
- Ungraded exam
- Regular participation
- Remark on the assessment methods
The standard examination type for the graded examination is the 2-hour exam (in the event of a deviation, one of the alternative examination types mentioned will be selected by the examiners and announced at the beginning of the course).
Ungraded examination performance: regular participation = successfully completed laboratory internship
- Exam duration and scope
Standard exam type: 2-hour exam
Ungraded examination performance: Successfully completed laboratory internship / submission of the test protocols
The alternative type of examination - portfolio - would consist of the partial examinations E-Klausur (30 min., max. 25 points) +
E-exam (30 min., max. 25 points) + written exam (60 min., max. 50 points).
- Recommended prior knowledge
Knowledge of plant breeding is required
- Knowledge Broadening
The students have a critical, special understanding of selected knowledge in the occurrence and use of genetic variability as well as the application of specific selection and breeding methods in the various plant groups in horticulture and agriculture. Students know the official seed testing methods from practical implementation and are able to classify and reproduce the test results.
- Knowledge deepening
The students have sufficient technical knowledge to be able to define breeding goals related to the corresponding crop and to show ways of their realization.
- Knowledge Understanding
The students use advanced procedures and methods of plant breeding practice and seed production in the laboratory internship as well as in the breeding garden.
- Application and Transfer
Among other things, the students apply special subject-related skills, techniques and methods in familiar and unfamiliar contexts in order to be able to carry out routine and also specific investigations of plant breeding and seed production.
- Academic Innovation
The students derive specific selection methods for the respective goal of plant breeding.
- Communication and Cooperation
The students use scientifically sound evaluation methods in their laboratory experiments and present the findings in a well-structured, written form. In addition, the elaborations on a breeding or seed production issue are presented in an oral presentation using modern electronic presentation techniques in front of the plenum, with subsequent discussion of the presentation didactics.
- Academic Self-Conception / Professionalism
The students can assess and critically question the social relevance of applied breeding and seed production through their own actions.
- Literature
Becker, Heiko (2019): Pflanzenzüchtung. 3. Auflage. Stuttgart: UTB Verlag. ISBN: 9783825249502
Miedaner, Thomas (2017): Grundlagen der Pflanzenzüchtung. 2. Auflage. Frankfurt: DLG-Verlag. ISBN: 9783769008449
- Linkage to other modules
The module builds on the previous module "General Plant Breeding and Seed Production". The knowledge and skills acquired here are recommended as prior knowledge.
- Applicability in study programs
- Pflanzentechnologie in der Agrarwirtschaft
- Pflanzentechnologie in der Agrarwirtschaft B.Sc.
- Person responsible for the module
- Naz, Ali Ahmad
- Teachers
- Naz, Ali Ahmad