Prof. Dr. Johannes Koke
Mechanical engineering, especially process engineering

- Telephone
+49 591 80098 730
- Department
Faculty of Management, Culture and Technology
- Room
KC 0217
- Office hours
By appointment
Academic Education
- 2000: Doctor of Engineering (Dr.-Ing.) in Mechanical Engineering (Process Engineering)
RWTH Aachen, Germany, Thesis title ?Rheology of Semi-Solid Metal Alloys“ - 1995: Diploma (Dipl.-Ing.) in Mechanical Engineering - Process Engineering
RWTH Aachen, Germany - 1994: Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.), Chemical Engineering
Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, USA
Work Experience
- Since 2013: Professor of Mechanical Engineering, especially Process Engineering
University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück - 2008 – 2013: Group Manager Development of Solar Thermal Components
Bosch Solarthermie GmbH, Wettringen, Germany - 2000 – 2008: Engineering Specialist in Central Research and Development, Production Technology
Robert Bosch GmbH, Schwieberdingen, Germany
- 2002: Borchers Badge (awarded to RWTH Aachen doctoral candidates, who pass their doctoral examinations "With Distinction")
Undergraduate Courses
- Fluidmechanics
- Thermodynamics
- Mathematics
- Project planning of technical systems
- Unit Operations in Process Engineering
- Plant and Process Design
- Modelling and Simulation
- Modeling of Chemical Engineering Processes
Graduate Courses
- Solar Technology
- Conversion Processes in Energy and Process Engineering
- Simulation in Chemical Engineering
- Mechanical and Thermal Process Engineering
External Lectures
- Since 2023: Stellenbosch University, South Africa: Solar Thermal Energy Systems
- Since 2020: Dalarna University, Sweden: Fluidmechanics
- 2017: German University of Technology in Oman, Oman: Thermodynamics II
- 2016: RWTH Aachen, Germany: Mechanical Process Engineering
- Energy-efficient and sustainable systems of process engineering
- Thermal storage, phase change materials
- Fluid engineering, rheology
- Renewable energies
- Conceptual, simulation-based development of energy-related system solutions for container systems in selected climate zones
- Solar technology
- Cost reduction of solar thermal systems
- Modelling and simulation (CFD with Ansys-Fluent; Energy simulation with Polysun, Process simulation with Chemcad)
- Koke J; Modelling and comparison of solar thermal and PV assisted heat-pump technology for industrial process heat; Proceedings of the Southern African Sustainable Energy Conference (SASEC) 2024; South Africa 2024
- Koke J., Rozon F., & McGregor C, Analysing the Techno-Economic Viability of Different Solar Heating Systems in South African Beverage Plants. Proceedings of the 3rd International Sustainable Energy Conference (ISEC), Graz, Austria, 2024.
- Rozon F, Koke J, McGregor C, Owen M, Techno-economic analyses of solar thermal process heat integration at South African beverage producers, Solar Compass, Volume 8, 2023,
- Koke J., Rozon F., & McGregor C; Techno?konomische Studie zur Nutzung solarthermischer Prozessw?rme in der Getr?nkeindustrie in Südafrika, 33. Symposium Solarthermie und Innovative W?rmesysteme, Bad Staffelstein 2023
- Koke J, Schippmann A, Shen J, Zhang X, Kaufmann P, Krause S. Strategies of Design Concepts and Energy Systems for Nearly Zero-Energy Container Buildings (NZECBs) in Different Climates. Buildings. 2021; 11(8):364.
- Schippmann A, Koke J, Boiting B: ?kobilanz und Autarkiegrad. Virtueller Container-Wohnbau; GEG Baupraxis; ISSN: 2701-7117; Jg.11, Nr. 58, 2021
- Schippmann A, Koke J: Life Cycle Assessment für ein containerbasiertes Wohngeb?ude unter Berücksichtigung des Autarkiegrades; 4. Regenerative Energietechnik Konferenz RET.Con, 2021
- Koke J, Schippmann A, Zhang X, Shen J, Kaufmann P, Krause S: Regenerative Energiekonzepte zur Versorgung von Containergeb?uden für verschiedene Klimazonen; 3. Regenerative Energietechnik Konferenz RET.Con, 2020
- Koke, J, L?bker F, Bojer T, Brügge F, K?lker J, Kr?mer M, M?llenkamp J: Solarthermieanlage für einen Ferkelaufzuchtstall mit W?rmenutzung zur Trocknung von Holzhackschnitzeln; Online-Symposium Solarthermie und innovative W?rmesysteme, 2020
- Schippmann A, Koke J, Zhang X, Shen J, Kaufmann P, Krause S: Energieversorgungskonzepte für Containergeb?ude in unterschiedlichen Klimazonen; Online-Symposium Solarthermie und innovative W?rmesysteme, 2020
- Shen J, Copertaro B, Zhang X, Koke J, Kaufmann P, Krause S: Exploring the Potential of Climate-Adaptive Container Building Design under Future Climates Scenarios in Three Different Climate Zones; Sustainability; 2020
- Koke J, Kuhr M, Clement U: Automated Optimization of Solar-Thermal Systems Using Software in a Loop; American Journal of Energy Engineering. Vol. 5, No. 6, 2017
- Koke J, Kuhr M; Clement U: Software in a loop - Polysun und Matlab zur Optimierung solarthermischer Systeme ; Proceedings 1. Internationale Konferenz zur Simulation geb?udetechnischer Energiesysteme, SIGES, Winterthur, 2016
- Koke J, Kuhr M, Althoff M: Clement U, K?hler M, Boedeker H; Ganzheitliche Kostenoptimierung solarthermischer Systeme für Hersteller und Entwickler mittels Simulation; Proceedings 26. Symposium Thermische Solarenergie, Bad Staffelstein, 2016
- Sprenger M, Koke J, K?bbemann-Rengers R: Thermosiphonsysteme für Fassadenanwendungen; 23. Symposium Thermische Solarenergie, 2013
- Koke J, Modigell M: Flow Behaviour of semi-solid metal alloys; Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 112, S.141-160; 2003
- Koke J: Simulation of the Turbulent Heat Transfer for Gas-quenching Processes; Proceedings of 20th CAD-FEM Users’ Meeting 2002, Int. Congress on FEM Technology, Friedrichshafen, 2002
- Koke J: Rheologie teilerstarrter Metalllegierungen; Fortschritt-Berichte, VDI Reihe 5 Nr.620, VDI Verlag 2001, ISBN 3-18-362005-7
- Modigell M, Koke J: Kopp R; Neudenberger D; Sahm P; Klaassen O: Comparison of Thixocasting and Thixoforging Using a Unique Demonstrator Part; Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Semi-Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites; Turin (Italien); 27.-29. September 2000; S. 687-691
- Koke J, Hufschmidt M, Modigell M, Heine C, Han S, Stapf S, Petera J: Segregation And Wall Slip In Semi-Solid Alloys: Measurement, Modelling And Simulation; Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. on Semisolid Processing of Alloys and Composites, Turin 2000, 2000, pp. 2236-2240
- Koke J, Modigell M, Hufschmidt M, Alexandrou A: A study of die filling behavior with semisolid fuids; Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. on Semi-Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites, Turin, Italy 27-29 Sept. 2000
- Modigell M, Hufschmidt M, Koke J, Heine C, Han S, Stapf S, Petera J: Investigation of wall slippage in Suspensions by NMR imaging; Proc. of XIII Int. Conf. on Rheology, Cambridge 2000, 2000, pp. 321-324