Health, Society, Economy

Shaping transformations for the future

Our Research

Ideas for a better future - we manage change in health, society and the economy

Our world is undergoing sweeping changes that demand extensive transformation processes. We are experiencing a demographic transition, navigating increasingly digitalized living and working environments, addressing the critical need for sustainable value creation, and confronting the rise of anti-democratic developments. Existing structural problems such as a labor shortage, racism and other forms of discrimination, precarious working conditions, segregated medical care systems and low recognition of care work need to be overcome.

Researchers from the fields of health informatics, data science, psychology, nursing, midwifery, therapy, nutrition and social sciences, political science, law and economics are working across disciplinary boundaries to find forward-looking and socially relevant solutions. The opportunities and challenges of digitalization and artificial intelligence are an inseparable part of this. By researching viable care systems and business models for sustainable value creation, they initiate urgently needed changes in healthcare, society and the economy. The findings directly contribute to improvements in care and value creation and thus to a future in which patients, clients and citizens have a better quality of life. At the same time, they change organizations, companies and society as a whole.

We believe in interdisciplinary and diverse research

The focus is equally on basic research for the academically young field of health and social affairs and applied research for directly effective solutions. The scientists work across disciplines and take into account an increasingly diverse and intercultural society. Particularly relevant are the promotion of researchers in early career phases, new collaborations at regional, national and international level, the involvement of students and communication with users and the public.

Basic research and applied research in the young discipline of physiotherapy
Accessible science at the annual Campus Night at Westerberg Campus
Research at the interface of human labour and artificial intelligence