Industrial Engineering and Management (MBA)
Master of Business Administration
Features of the degree program Industrial Engineering and Management
The professionals from the most diverse disciplines and sectors come together in this degree. They will expand their already acquired natural science or engineering knowledge with economics and management skills as well as critical management methods extra-occupationally.
The special attraction of this degree program is that scientific theories and models can be directly reflected in the context of the everyday working life of the students. The professors have a great deal of practical experience, ensuring instruction that is both challenging and application-oriented.
The degree program has been designed and the course offerings selected especially with the specific interests and requirements of professionals without various prior economic science knowledge in mind.
The degree program at a glance
- Degree
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- Start
Winter semester (usually calendar week 39)
- Placement test
- Standard period of study
6 semesters
- Language
German, Englisch (in selected compulsory elective modules)
- Type of study
Advanced training Master's degree program, extra-occupational
- Numerus Clausus
- Location
- Admission restriction
- Academic information and guidance
Prof. Dr. Ingmar Ickerott
Degree program coordinator
Room: KG 0311, Kaiserstr. 10c, 49809 Lingen
Phone: +49 (0)591 80098-400
Office hours:
By arrangement
- General information and coordination
Dipl. Kffr. (FH) Gabi Poerschke
Professional School - 188篮球比分_188比分直播—激情赢盈中√ Osnabrück
Room: CB0117, Caprivistr. 30a, 49076 Osnabrück
Phone: +49 (0)541 969-3175
Office hours:
By arrangement
- Application, admission and exams
Imke Garrelmann
Registrar's office
Room: KC 0004, Kaiserstr. 10c, 49809 Lingen
Phone: +49 (0)591 80098-632
Office hours:
Monday to Friday 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
and by arrangment
Wednesday no office hours