der 188ÀºÇò±È·Ö_188±È·ÖÖ±²¥¡ª¼¤ÇéÓ®Ó¯ÖÐ¡Ì Osnabr¨¹ck
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- Projektlaufzeit:
- 01.09.2015 - 31.08.2018
- Antragsteller/in:
- Prof. Dr. Ingmar Ickerott
- Drittmittelgeber/F?rderlinie:
- Erasmus+, Strategische Partnerschaften
- Fakult?t:
- Management, Kultur und Technik
- F?rdersumme:
- 102.720,00 €
- Projektpartner intern:
- Prof. Dr. Gunther Meeh-Bunse, Dr. Fritjof Karnani, Dr. Stefan Schlangen
- Projektpartner extern:
- Universit?t Ghent; Universit?t Trondheim; 188ÀºÇò±È·Ö_188±È·ÖÖ±²¥¡ª¼¤ÇéÓ®Ó¯ÖÐ¡Ì Arnheim / Nijmegen sowie diverse Unternehmen
- Projektzusammenfassung:
European Lean Enterprise Alliance Network (EuroLEAN+) is a community of industry and knowledge institutes across Europe that collects and enhances information about customized Lean as a coherent body of knowledge that is made readily available to everyone that has an interest in a strong and competitive industry in Europe. It draws on best practices and insights from both industry and academia. Its knowledge is incorporated in new blended teaching and training programmes that are co-created by academia and industry. This is in line with Education and Training 2020 strategy (ET2020) to create jobs, economic growth and prosperity Customized product manufacturing.
- Projekthomepage:
- Link
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