International Marketing
- Fakult?t
Fakult?t Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften (WiSo)
- Version
Version 1 vom 25.11.2024.
- Modulkennung
- Niveaustufe
- Unterrichtssprache
- ECTS-Leistungspunkte und Benotung
- H?ufigkeit des Angebots des Moduls
nur Wintersemester
- Dauer des Moduls
1 Semester
- Kurzbeschreibung
International business is still a corner stone in the global world. Almost all large businesses are working on an international or even global scale.
For any student wanting to pursue a succesful career in marketing it is therefore still mandatory to understand the pecularities of markting products international or global. This class lays the foundation with a focus on the differences that are caused by cultural habits. Based on a thourogh understanding of cultures this class the discusses how these differences influence marketing and how marketeers can react to it to optimally position and sell products and services.
- Lehr-Lerninhalte
1. Internationalization as a challenge for marketing
2. Cultural issues and buying behavior
3. International market research
4. International segmentation and positioning
5. Market Entry Strategies
6. International marketing mix
6a. International product management
6b. International price management
6c. International sales management
6d. International communication management7. Coordination decisions in International Marketing
8. Marketing in Emerging Markets
- Gesamtarbeitsaufwand
Der Arbeitsaufwand für das Modul umfasst insgesamt 150 Stunden (siehe auch "ECTS-Leistungspunkte und Benotung").
- Lehr- und Lernformen
Dozentengebundenes Lernen Std. Workload Lehrtyp Mediale Umsetzung Konkretisierung 45 Vorlesung Pr?senz - Dozentenungebundenes Lernen Std. Workload Lehrtyp Mediale Umsetzung Konkretisierung 80 Veranstaltungsvor- und -nachbereitung - 25 Prüfungsvorbereitung -
- Benotete Prüfungsleistung
- Klausur oder
- Referat (mit schriftlicher Ausarbeitung) oder
- Portfolio-Prüfungsleistung
- Bemerkung zur Prüfungsart
The portfolio exam covers 100 points and consists of one written paper (HA) and a one-hour written examination (K1). The written paper and the examination are weighted by 50 points each.
- Prüfungsdauer und Prüfungsumfang
Written examination: in accordance with the valid study regulations
Report: presentation of approx. 20-30 minutes with written report of approx. 5-10 pages
Written paper as part of the PFP: approx. 10 pages
The requirements are specified in the relevant class.
- Empfohlene Vorkenntnisse
Basic knowledge in marketing
- Wissensverbreiterung
Students who successfully complete this module know the culturally determined differences in various countries and the increased complexities which arise for product range decisions (4P's) in an international context.
- Wissensvertiefung
Students who successfully complete this module have a detailed, extensive knowledge of the central areas of international marketing.
- Wissensverst?ndnis
Students who successfully complete this module are able to recognise logical connections, select suitable analysis procedures, and also work out practice-oriented solutions in very diverse, international contexts.
- Nutzung und Transfer
Students who successfully complete this module are able to interpret the various models of analysis for international cultures and make them useful for management decisions.
- Wissenschaftliche Innovation
Students who successfully complete this module are aware of the important journals in the area of international marketing and know how to use them for theoretical and practical decision making.
- Kommunikation und Kooperation
Students who successfully complete this module are also able to work out causes and effects for complex issues in the field of international marketing and present them in an action-orientated way.
- Wissenschaftliches Selbstverst?ndnis / Professionalit?t
Students who successfully complete this module can differentiate between evidenced based management decision making and pure opinions.
- Literatur
Kotabe, Mike/Helsen, Kristiaan: Global Marketing Management: EMEA Edition, 2019
Opresnik, Oliver / Hollensen, Svend: International Marketing: Principles and Practice: A management-oriented approach, 2021
Berndt, Ralph / Altobelli, Fantapié: International Marketing Management, 2023
Harvard Case Studies
- Zusammenhang mit anderen Modulen
This module gives the international perspective to different marketing topics. By that, it perfectly complements Product & innovation management, Brand management and Sales and cooperation management by showing the international perspective mainly caused by cultural differences.
- Verwendbarkeit nach Studieng?ngen
- International Business and Management (Master)
- International Business and Management, M.A. (01.09.2024)
- Modulpromotor*in
- Roll, Oliver
- Lehrende
- Roll, Oliver