Legal Aspects of International Trade
- Fakult?t
Fakult?t Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften (WiSo)
- Version
Version 1 vom 25.11.2024.
- Modulkennung
- Niveaustufe
- Unterrichtssprache
- ECTS-Leistungspunkte und Benotung
- H?ufigkeit des Angebots des Moduls
nur Wintersemester
- Dauer des Moduls
1 Semester
- Kurzbeschreibung
International business activities are always subject to a legal framework. This course familiarizes students with legal issues that arise specifically in the context of international business transactions, in particular international sales activities.
- Lehr-Lerninhalte
- History and specifics of different legal systems
- Law of conflicts in the EU and the US
- International sales law, in particular the CISC
- Relevance of documents in international trade
- Handling of transaction risks in international trade
- International dispute settlement through litigation and arbitration
- Gesamtarbeitsaufwand
Der Arbeitsaufwand für das Modul umfasst insgesamt 150 Stunden (siehe auch "ECTS-Leistungspunkte und Benotung").
- Lehr- und Lernformen
Dozentengebundenes Lernen Std. Workload Lehrtyp Mediale Umsetzung Konkretisierung 45 Vorlesung Pr?senz - Dozentenungebundenes Lernen Std. Workload Lehrtyp Mediale Umsetzung Konkretisierung 45 Literaturstudium - 30 Veranstaltungsvor- und -nachbereitung - 30 Prüfungsvorbereitung -
- Benotete Prüfungsleistung
- Klausur
- Prüfungsdauer und Prüfungsumfang
Written examination: in accordance with the valid study regulations
The requirements are specified in the relevant class.
- Empfohlene Vorkenntnisse
It is recommended that students have a basic understanding of private law.
- Wissensverbreiterung
Students who successfully complete this module are are familiar with relevant legal issues of international trade.
- Wissensvertiefung
Students who have gained knowledge on legal issues of international trade either in this or previous modules will enhance their skills in addressing and mitigating these risks.
- Wissensverst?ndnis
Students who have completed this module are capaple of using their knowledge of international business law to assess practical issues and identify potential risks.
Students are able to communicate with lawyers and other specialists on a professional level with regard to certain topics of international business law.
- Nutzung und Transfer
Students who have completed this module will be able to apply their knowledge in practical cross-border transactions, in particular in export/import transactions.
- Wissenschaftliche Innovation
Students can evaluate the extent to which existing rules determine business processes in a clear way. They can analyse where "grey areas" exist and how a legal regime is likely to react to those. They can develop ways to optimize business processes against this background.
- Kommunikation und Kooperation
Students who have completed this module will be able to communicate with inhouse or external lawyers and business associates on a professional level with regard to international trade transactions.
- Wissenschaftliches Selbstverst?ndnis / Professionalit?t
Students who have completed this module will be able to apply their knowledge to assess and handle relevant legal issues in a business environment.
- Literatur
- DiMatteo, International Business Law and the Legal Environment
- August/Mayer/Bixby, International Business Law
- Schaffer/Agusti/Earle, International Business Law and its Environment
- Schmitthoff, The Law and Practice of International Trade
- Zusammenhang mit anderen Modulen
This module is designed to complement the business modules of the course.
- Verwendbarkeit nach Studieng?ngen
- International Business and Management (Master)
- International Business and Management, M.A. (01.09.2024)
- Modulpromotor*in
- Sutschet, Holger
- Lehrende
- Sutschet, Holger