17. Symposium der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikphysiologie und Musikermedizin
17. Symposium der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikphysiologie und Musikermedizin
6. - 7. September 2018, 188篮球比分_188比分直播—激情赢盈中√ Osnabrück
Physiotherapie im Fokus der Musikermedizin
Die zweit?gige DGfMM-Tagung ist eingebettet in den 2. internationalen Kongress für Musikerphysiotherapie, der dreit?gig vom 6. bis 8. September 2018 stattfindet.
Die Kongresssprache ist deshalb Englisch (sofern nicht anders angegeben).
DGfMM-Mitglieder haben freien Eintritt am Donnerstag, den 6., und Freitag, den 7. September, und k?nnen den dritten Kongresstag (Samstag, 8. September) zus?tzlich buchen.
Donnerstag, 6. September 2018
- 10:00-12:00: Registrierung
- 10:45-11:45: Treffen der AG Lehre (Deutschsprachig), Koordination Prof. Dr Eckart Alentenmüller, Prof. Dr. Maria Schuppert
- 12:00-13:00: Er?ffnung, Prof. Dr. med. Christoff Zalpour, President PAMA, President DGfMM
- 13:00-14:00: Parallel Vortr?ge und Workshop
- Dr. Hara Trouli
The Role of Lower Trapezius in Neck and Shoulder Pain in Violin, Viola and Cello Players - Cinzia Cruder
Evaluation of a preventive program to reduce the impact of performance-related musculoskeletal disorders (PRMDs) in professional music students. Preliminary results - Alexandra Türk-Espitalier
The effect of expiratory muscle strength training on the performance of trumpet players - Grete Ege
Do they need to suffer, to shine? Playing related musculoskeletal disorders in musicians - Marija Podnar
Asymmetric playing postures of instrumentalists – Health issues, prevention and physiotherapy - Beatrice S?ck
The Musculoskeletal Strain of Brass – A Systematic Review of the Literature - Workshop: Camilla Kapitza
Anamnesis and analysis of performance related problems
- Dr. Hara Trouli
- 14:00-15:30: Prof. Lorimer Moseley, Performance & Pain
- 15:30-16:00: Pause
16:00-16:45: Prof. Nikolaus Ballenberger, Occurrence of Musculoskeletal Health Complaints and associated Risk Factors in Music Students and Non-music Students – Interim Results from an ongoing Cohort study
- 16:45-17:45: Parallel Vortr?ge und workshop
- Marta Nemcova
Hidden Arm and Hand Characteristics of Percussionists - Suzanne Wijsman
Sound Performers: embedding an evidence-based, physiotherapy approach into online tertiary music health education - Bryony Buck
Expertise-related movement patterns in drumming - Camilla Kapitza & Hauko Wessels
Interdisciplinary artistic-physiotherapeutic consultation hour as a part of the university education of viola and violin players - Hans-Christian Jabusch
Expertise-related differences in forearm muscle co-contraction in drummers - Cinzia Cruder
Pain analysis in musicians using digital pain drawings - Workshop: Marc Bangert
- Marta Nemcova
- 18:00-18:30: DGfMM Preisverleihungen
18:30: Get together Party
Freitag, 7.September 2018
- 9:00-10:00: Er?ffnung, Prof. Dr. med. Eckart Altenmüller, Movement Disorders in Musician's: Differential diagnosis and treatment options
- 10:00-10:30: Dr. Sonia Ranelli, Upper limb problems in young musicians
- 10:30-10:45: Pause
- 10:45- 11:30: Parallel workshops
- Marija Podnar
Practical physiotherapeutic "Grounding" Exercises for Musicians - Heike Schemmann (M.Sc.) & Katharina Betten (Dipl. Instr. P?d) (in German)
- Ergonomische Instrumentenanpassung am Beispiel einer Saxophonistin mit spielbedingter ?berlastung des Daumens – eine Zusammenarbeit von Musiker-Physiotherapie und Instrumentalp?dagogik (DGfMM-Workshop)
- Alime Büyük
"Pelvic Pain and Posture Assesment and Management in Professional Musicians”
- Marija Podnar
- 11:30-12:15: Prof. Dr. Bronwen Ackermann, Musicians' physiotherapy: past, present future
- 12:15-13:00: Dr. med. Jaume i Rosset Llobet, Musician's health and injury. A dynamic system approach.
- 13:00-14:00: Pause (Mensa)
- 14:00-15:00: Dr. Jan Dommerholt, Myofascial pain in instrumental musicians
- 15:00-16:25: Parallel workshops
- Prof. Dr. Bronwen Ackermann
Breath control for musicians - techniques to assess and facilitate respiratory function for stress, support and sound - Dr. Sonia Ranelli
Physical and sensory assessment in musicians and implications for management - Hanna Ke?eler (in German)
Fit im Musikeralltag
- Prof. Dr. Bronwen Ackermann
- 16:30-18:00: Parallel workshops
- Dr. Jan Dommerholt
Management of myofascial pain - Dr. med. Jaume Rosset i Llobet
Differential Learning to musician's injuries treatment and prevention - Prof. Hauko Wessels & Camilla Kapitza (M.Sc. PT, OMPT) (in German)
Interdisziplin?re künstlerisch-physiotherapeutische Sprechstunde im Rahmen der Hochschulausbildung von hohen Streichen
- Dr. Jan Dommerholt
18:00: Musikalische Darbietung und Verabschiedung zum Ende des DGfMM-Symposiums
Samstag, 8. September 2018
- 9:00-9:30: Er?ffnung, Prof. Dr. Harry von Piekartz, Sjoerd Swibettus
- Prof. Dr. Harry Piekartz, Functional Dysphonia . State of the Art and indication for musculoskeletal therapy.
- 9:30-10:15: Ed Blake, Laryngeal and neck assessment and management in professional voice users
- Parallel workshops
- Dirk M?ller & Christian Lersch
Sensor controlled muscle function diagnosis in musicians? health - Heidi Tanno
Scapula Stability for musicians
- Dirk M?ller & Christian Lersch
- 10:15-11:00: Parallel workshops
- Dirk M?ller & Christian Lersch
Sensor controlled muscle function diagnosis in musicians? health - Heidi Tanno
Scapula Stability for musicians
- Dirk M?ller & Christian Lersch
11:00-11:30: Pause
- 11:30-12:15: Robert Kuizenga, Physiotherapy & Voice
- 12:15-13:00: Prof. Dr. Ulrik Roijzon, Posture, Motor Control and Performance – Implications for Musicians
- 13:00-14:00: Performance Sjoerd Swibettus, Pause
14:00-15:00: Parallel Vortr?ge
- Alyona Podkyvora, Camilla Kapitza, Christoff Zalpour
- Investigation of risk factors for injuries of the lower extremities in a population of dancers – a cross-sectional study.
- Guna Semjonova
Reliability of the DAid Smart shirt for Shoulder Girdle Motion Assessment during violin performance - Lisa Brachfeld
Injury Prevention and Health Promotion: Knowledge and Attitudes of Performing Artists - Dirk M?ller
The potential relevance of altered muscle activity and fatigue in the development of performance-related musculoskeletal injuries in high string musicians - Aisha Sheikh
An analysis of Postural Control of Dancers during Visual Feedback from a Mirror - Oliver Margulies
Individually Optimised Violin Positions on a Scientific Basis
- 15:00-16:30: Workshop Prof. Lorimer Moseley, Motorcontrol & pain
- 16:30-16:45: Pause
- 16:45-18:00: Parallel workshops
- Robert Kuizenga
Physiotherapy & Voice - Ed Blake
Laryngeal and neck assessment and management in professional voice users - Sjoerd Swibettus
Is the spine the keyboard of the body? Articulation and mime techniques for musicians
- Robert Kuizenga
- 18:00: Verabschiedung
Unter folgendem Link k?nnen sie sich anmelden www.fihh.de/kursuebersicht/bereich/kategorien/kategorie/MusicPhysio+2018/kat/370/
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